Thank you all for the support of my newest book. Cedara's Promise has been my most successful release to date.
I find myself thanking my readers quite a bit. At a certain point it starts to seem redundant, but I've never felt more thankful.
Many have sent friendly, encouraging emails or reached on social media with their interest. It has been both heart warming and inspiring.
Writing a book is a difficult thing. I had an idea that Cedara's Promise would be good, but why wouldn't I? I was spending hours creating it. No author really knows if the book is any good until the readers get it. Then the true test begins. As hard as I might try to avoid it, I wrap my self worth into these books. It becomes a self-deprecating tapestry of ego and desperation, each struggling for domination.
Hah! How is that for a colorful description?
I digress. Long story short - I worked hard on this book and I'm glad most of you like it.
Cedara's Promise is a story of pain, hardship, and transformation. At the end of all things, when all seems lost, there will always be a little something left in the tank. Hope is not easily killed. Even in barren, salted soil, hope will sprout like a weed. With Cedara's Promise, I tried to spread that message.
Have a great day. I hope you do something awesome.
Bryce Allen